Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Gospel in Everyday Life

Bitterness, jealousy, self centeredness.
Grace, forgiveness, joy.
Two natures struggling.
This may seem an odd way to begin a blog, but today I thought would be a perfect day to begin because I can start with the Gospel and how I saw it demonstrated in my life recently. Just the other day I saw my sinfulness, yet at the same time Gods grace. Bitterness is not a usual feeling for me and it came when I should have felt joy. Jealousy came against those I love most. Self-centeredness came when I wanted to show I was right. I have learned and continue to learn that my life is not about me. It’s about God, about Jesus, the son of God, who lived the perfect life, died for my sin and rose again and through whom I stand justified before God and will have eternal life because I trust in Jesus. This changes everything about me! When I have grace, forgiveness, and am filled with joy it is by God’s unfathomable grace.

I often think that joy, happiness, and love “just comes naturally to me,” but I cannot take credit for these things. I must preach the truth to myself. I must remind myself of my sinful nature and that all good is the grace of God and not a product of seer will power. Just as I have to preach the truth of God’s grace I must preach the truth of who I am in God’s sight. Because of Christ’s work I am seen as perfect in God’s sight because instead of seeing my sin God sees Jesus’ righteousness upon me. I am perfect, yet being perfected. How I long for the day when instead of having to preach truth to myself I will live forever in the presence of Truth.

I have several goals for this blog-
1 Glory to God. As is the purpose of my whole life I desire to glorify God and enjoy him forever. (Westminster Shorter Catechism question 1)
2 Everyone has something to say. I would say I usually have more to say them most people and have a tendency to talk 100 mph. However, I’ve never been one for writing. I love the idea of writing, but have not made it a priority. But because I always love reading what God is teaching others and how he is using them to be a light, I decided to write as a way of, hopefully, bringing encouragement to others.
3 Laughs, happiness, joy, excitement. These words fill my heart with smiles (if that is possible). I love funny moments, random thoughts, stories, hugs, tears, theology, lessons, conversations, inside jokes. Each of these things can be communicated through words and once written bring me joy.
I do not pretend to be an eloquent or gifted writer, but I do know life is an adventure worth sharing, so I can only do my best to share it with you! 

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